Navy wallpapers continue to be one of the most popular wallpaper colour choices in home interiors and are perfect if you are looking to create a statement.
With lots of beautiful shades to choose from – from deep navy blues and lighter navy shades, navy wallpaper can easily be incorporated into any modern design to bring out a luxurious look to your room.
Navy wallpapers are also the perfect choice for including into traditional interior styles helping to add to the overall rustic homely feel.
Navy wallpaper is a great choice for many rooms in your home especially bedrooms, like other dark colours, navy instantly makes a room feel more intimate and cosy and helps to create a calming feel ideal for rooms designed for rest.
With it's ability to contrast and complement other colours perfectly, navy blue wallpapers helps to create endless decorating possibilities. Some of our favourite places to hang navy wallpaper include:
An excellent choice to maximise productivity and avoid distractions, navy wallpaper is a great choice for home office and studies.
Providing your living room with a sophisticated and bold look, navy wallpaper is ideal for adding a touch of luxury to your walls. Perfect for placing in both modern and traditional interiors, navy wallpaper can be used on an eye catching feature wall or used throughout an entire room for maximum impact.
A quick and easy way to get the panelling look for less, this navy panel wallpaper features soft shadowing and a realistic panel design. A beautifully designed navy wallpaper that is easy to apply and ideal for placing throughout a number of rooms in your home.
A wallpaper designed to provide a statement, the Parian Marble Wallpaper from Holden Decor features a stunning marble design with gold accents scattered throughout to really bring the design to life. Ideal for placing throughout a number of rooms including a bedroom, living room or dining room, this navy wallpaper is sure to make a glamorous addition.
A wallpaper desgined for gamers, this navy wallpaper features gamer headsets, lightening bolts and gamer slogans scattered throughout the pattern. The perfect addition to a child's bedroom or gamers room, we can see this neon wallpaper hung on an eye catching feature wall styled with brightly coloured soft furnishing to really complete the look.
Yes we promise! Available in two varieties, our navy wallpapers are made up of both paste the wall and paste the paper wallpapers.
Paste the Wall Navy Wallpaper - Known as the easier out of the two, this type of application requires you to paste the wall first. Simply apply the paste directly and evenly onto the wall.
Paste the Paper Wallpaper - This type of wallpaper requires you to paste the wallpaper first before applying to the walls. It works through generously pasting an even coat of adhesive on the first length ensuring that you are covering everywhere including the edges.
Have you chosen your favourite wallpaper design? But not sure what it's going to look like in your room of choice, then fear not, here at DCO we offer a wallpaper sampling service (and in even better news your first two samples are completely free!) Simply select "Order Sample" located below add to cart.
All samples are dispatched same day when ordered before 2pm. We also ensure that they are full width and cut to approximately 30cm height, so you can get a proper feel for your perfect design. Each sample after your first 2 are just 75p, and delivery is still completely free.
You can buy a wide variety of navy wallpaper directly from Decorating Centre Online via our website.
Simply choose your preferred wallpaper design, add it to your basket and continue to the checkout. We offer free standard delivery on all orders over £60.00 and can provide a next day delivery service if required.