How to Paint a Radiator | Our Step By Step Guide

How to Paint a Radiator | Our Step By Step Guide

This is exciting! Painting your radiators will take your interiors to the next level. It’s a great way of finishing off or updating any room. Our guide will take you through what to avoid and how to get the best finish.

Before we begin

We should answer the most asked question when it comes to painting a radiator… Yes, make sure your radiator is turned off and has cooled down. If the radiator is too hot the paint will blister, and nobody wants that! 


Make sure you’ve got everything you’ll need:
- 2” brush
- All coat - black (or a colour of your choice)
- Tack Cloth
- Zinsser degreaser
- De-nib pad


Step 1

  • Our first step is to clean the radiator. We recommend Zinsser Universal Degreaser. (It’s amazing at making sure all grease, muck and anything else left by children or animals lingering on your radiator has gone). 
  • Then give it another wash over with a spray cleaner to remove any degreaser left behind. 
  • Depending on your skills, you might also want to tape up and protect the surrounding area to protect it from any paint splatters.


Step 2 

  • Give the radiator a quick sand down. Nothing too strenuous! We just need to go over the radiator surface to make a ‘key’ - some texture for the paint to bond to. 
  • Once done, take the tack cloth and give the radiator a wipe, making sure to remove any dust left over from sanding. (Tip: to get the most use out of the cloth, fold it. You can use each fold until it’s covered in dust!) 


Step 3

  • Time to paint! We’ve chosen a 2” brush - they’re a great size and quality for the job! 
  • Resist the urge to lather the paint on too thickly - it will give you brush marks 
  • Instead, apply a thin coat, let it dry, lightly sand, wipe with your cloth, and go again. 
  • Three light coats should do the trick!


Step 4

  • Send us a snap of your revamped radiators! Tag us @decoratingcentreonline  

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